Saturday, November 8, 2014

Post #6 - More Wifi Issues

Wifi is becoming a bit of a pain. It seems that when the internet/router goes down at my home, the DHCP is having troubles renewing the lease (even after I set the time to only 10 seconds to renew). Anyways, manually running some commands got it up and working for me (below). I suspect I may have to have some detection in the program that if the wifi is down, try to run these commands via a shell script.

Link to post that solved my issue:

1. sudo dhclient -v -r wlan0
2. ifconfig
3. sudo dhclient -v wlan0

Will update this post if I find another, simpler, way to get around this.

Update 1:

After hours and hours of research, this appears to not work. I finally came across a possible lead:

iwlist wlan0 scan

Returns my wifi connection sometimes, and sometimes not. This gave me some extra search terms to try and figure out a possible fix. After coming across a post about power issues, I have determined (for now) that the wifi adapter I am using requires too much power. The Raspberry Pi only outputs a certain amount of volts/amps, which wasn't enough, causing intermittent connection problems.

I have ordered a powered USB hub ( to ideally fix the issue.

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